Friday, June 15, 2012

Adoption Transfer of the rights and responsibility of a child from his/her birth parents to adoptive parents is called adoption. As adopted child you have the same rights as normal child. According to New South Wales Law you can find out about your biological parents at the age of 18 years, which is include the name, age, medical history and any other information to identified a person. If years under 18 years old you in same circumstances you can find information about your birth parents due to permission of your both parents, but the information is exclude the name, and other information which a person identified. An adopted child has the rights to leave the adoptive parents home and move to the biological parent’s home. More over as adoptive child you have the rights to inherit your adoptive parent’s property when they die.
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Thursday, April 26, 2012

1-What is What is obesity? 1-Obesity is mean overweigh. 2-What are the reasons for obesity in children? 2- Causes of obesity in children include unhealthy food choices, lack of physical activity and family eating habits 3-Is obesity only a national problem? 3-No,obesity is an interntional problem. 4-What do statistics show? 4-From 1985 to 1995 the number of overweight 7–15 year olds almost doubled. The numbers of obese children has more than tripled. At the current rate, it is predicted that 65 per cent of young Australians will be overweight or obese by 2020. 5-What is making the obesity problem worse? 5-Food choices,Lack of physical activity,Overweight parents,Genetics. 6-Does obesity have an impact on children's health? 6-yes. 7-If yes, explain how? Most of the health problems associated with obesity become obvious in adulthood. Early signs of these later problems are commonly found in children. Potential health problems for obese children include. 8-What are the other impacts caused by obesity in children? 8-Food choices,Lack of physical activity,Overweight parents,Genetics 9-What is the treatment obesity? 9-Lifestyle and diet changes can help children to maintain a healthy weight.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Nelson Mandaela

1918 Nelson Mandela was bron.
1942 Unversty qualifid in law.
1944 Joined the African National Congress.
1948 Apratheid polices.
1956-1961 He went on trial for treason.
1960 Banning of the ANC.
1961 Exective considere his proposal on the use violet tactics.
1962 Mandela was arrested.
1963 When many fllow leader of the ANC and the Umknonto were araested.
1964 He was in carcerted at Robben island prison.
1990 After his release, he lunged himslfe wholen eartedy in to his life work.
1991 Frist national conferaence of the ANC and elected peresdent of the ANC.
1960 In side South Africa after the organistoin had been band.